
May 19-21, 2014 State College, Pennsylvania, United States

Second Workshop of the United States Culture Collections Network

Fusarium Research Laboratory, Penn State University
Collection accessions should map consistently into URLs. This would take relatively little effort for most collections as every major web server platform has a method of performing URL substitution.
Collection accessions should map consistently into URLs. This would take relatively little effort for most collections as every major web server platform has a method of performing URL substitution.

George Garrity presents “Standards to Promote Data Interchange in the Life Sciences”.

This discussion will focus on emerging data, metadata, publishing and web standards and explore how collections might adopt these standards as part of their strategy in developing and delivering interoperable information products to the market.

...these issues are ultimately dependent upon accurate and properly curated reference material, further discussion included the use of standards in managing collection materials. Different standards were described including self imposed standards such as nomenclature and also external standards for reference material, process optimization, and data management.

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[permalink] Posted May 19, 2014.

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