
November 11, 2011 Boston, Massachusetts

eXtyles User Group Meeting

Biological nomenclature provides excellent examples of how names attached to entities can be misleading.
Biological nomenclature provides excellent examples of how names attached to entities can be misleading.

Dr. George Garrity will be presenting a case study of NamesforLife at the 2011 XUG Meeting.

This case study will discuss integration of NamesforLife’s DOI-based semantic resolution services with eXtyles. The NamesforLife tool is designed to provide editors and authors with direct access to expertly maintained information about biological names and other dynamic terminologies as a part of the editorial process, to automatically resolve any instances of ambiguity, and to embed DOIs directly into XML instances so that readers have direct access to rich contextual information associated with each name, without having to leave the article they are reading.

George Garrity, NamesforLife, LLC

Download Presentation (1.7MB PDF)

[permalink] Posted November 7, 2011.

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