Press Release

February 8, 2008

NamesforLife releases plugin for the oXygen XML Editor

The NamesforLife processor automatically embeds NameDOIs into XML instances of manuscripts without disrupting the editorial or production workflow. When coupled with an XSL/CSS style sheet, strings that are identified as names can be highlighted for editorial review.
The NamesforLife processor automatically embeds NameDOIs into XML instances of manuscripts without disrupting the editorial or production workflow. When coupled with an XSL/CSS style sheet, strings that are identified as names can be highlighted for editorial review.

NamesforLife now has a plugin available for the oXygen XML Editor (tentatively named the Scribe). This plugin provides named-entity recognition and annotation over controlled terminologies. When used with the NamesforLife prokaryote nomenclature, the annotation links to Digital Object Identifiers that resolve to monographs representing the complete history of a bacterial or archaeal taxon.

[permalink] Posted February 8, 2008.

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