
March 14-15, 2005 National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

Bioinformatics Forum

Names and Objects for Unambiguous Data Access amongst Biodiversity Data Entities
A service could be implemented that exploits the metadata defined by its Application Profile, and returns, for example, some text, a link, a menu.
A service could be implemented that exploits the metadata defined by its Application Profile, and returns, for example, some text, a link, a menu.

Catherine Lyons presents “An Introduction to Digital Object Identifiers as background to NamesforLife”.

Systematic taxonomy is a complex network of documents, data, and, concepts. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system is built from components that model complexity in other domains. This is an unusual introduction to DOIs, in that it emphasizes those aspects of the DOI system that will be a particular strength in the management of taxonomy and nomenclature. The association of objects with types, and types with type-specific metadata, enable a DOI ‘Application Profile’ (AP). An AP gathers together digital objects that have common metadata properties. For a DOI in a given AP, a service can be implemented that exploits the metadata defined by its AP, and returns, for example, some text, a link, a menu.

Suppose there were a Biological Name AP associated with a ‘Check for Synonyms’ service...this service could be associated with digital objects (Information Objects) in the Name AP (i.e., nomenclatural assertions). By reasoning over Information Objects, we can construct services that can be offered through multiple resolution.

Catherine Lyons, “An Introduction to Digital Object Identifiers as background to NamesforLife

Download Presentation (1.3MB PowerPoint)

[permalink] Posted March 14, 2005.

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