
June 27-29, 2018 Yeosu, South Korea

Korean Society for Microbiology & Biotechnology

KMB 2018 45th Annual Meeting & International Symposium
When viewing the species abundance plots, it triggered a recollection of a very powerful statistical test for comparing nonparametric distributions, the KS test. Applying the KS test to the metagenome data should allow us to determine whether or not two metagenome data sets were drawn from the same distribution or a different distribution.
When viewing the species abundance plots, it triggered a recollection of a very powerful statistical test for comparing nonparametric distributions, the KS test. Applying the KS test to the metagenome data should allow us to determine whether or not two metagenome data sets were drawn from the same distribution or a different distribution.

George Garrity will be delivering the opening lecture, “Taxonomic Inference vs. Ground Truth” at this year’s KMB meeting. The lecture will be Thursday June 28th from 2:05 to 3:35pm in Rm1.

The idea of change in microbiology and other fields is nothing new. Our methods are continuously evolving, but ultimately, we need to be able to place our new findings into a frame of reference; to define our findings and to interpret the meaning of those findings.

George Garrity, “Taxonomic Inference vs. Ground Truth

Download Presentation (1.4MB PDF)

[permalink] Posted June 28, 2018.

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