
March 24-28, 2014 Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Aspects of the New Science of Metagenomics

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge
A generalized semantic model has been developed to disambiguate biological nomenclature and to provide both humans and machines with direct access to the correct information about all of the validly named prokaryotic taxa.
A generalized semantic model has been developed to disambiguate biological nomenclature and to provide both humans and machines with direct access to the correct information about all of the validly named prokaryotic taxa.

George Garrity presents “Reasonable names and reasonable terms for Bacteria and Archaea”.

This presentation will focus on the development of a generalized semantic model that has been developed to disambiguate biological nomenclature and to provide both humans and machines with direct access to the correct information about all of the validly named prokaryotic taxa. Current research efforts on developing an ontology of microbial phenotypes, which supports machine reasoning, will also be discussed.

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[permalink] Posted January 16, 2014.

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