
November 3-6, 2013 Marco Island, Florida

Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

RAFT X: Recent Advances in Fermentation Technology
Patent metadata is a useful source of business intelligence as well as technical knowledge. When patent classification codes are combined with assignee data and other information that can be extracted from patents and external sources, it is possible to infer a great deal about the research and commercialization activities of a given organization. Here, we show the top 20 IPC classification codes associated with referenced patent strains for the top 20 assignees. Note the strong grouping among different industry representatives.
Patent metadata is a useful source of business intelligence as well as technical knowledge. When patent classification codes are combined with assignee data and other information that can be extracted from patents and external sources, it is possible to infer a great deal about the research and commercialization activities of a given organization. Here, we show the top 20 IPC classification codes associated with referenced patent strains for the top 20 assignees. Note the strong grouping among different industry representatives.

George Garrity and Charles Parker will be presenting posters (“Global commercialization trends of microbial products and processes” and “A semantic index of phenotypic and genotypic data”) at the RAFT X conference. The poster session will be in the Capri Ballroom from 5:00pm-7:30pm Monday evening. The posters are also available to attendees on the RAFT-X meeting site.

Our objective is to make the connections between strains and the patent literature easy to navigate and to make the information about patented microbial products and processes more readily discoverable. We recently completed a first pass through the USDA ARS Patent Collection (NRRL Collection, Peoria, IL). Using proprietary text mining methods, we were able to identify global commercialization trends in 162 technology classes over a 70 year time span by following more than 4,000 distinct NRRL strains referenced by over 16,000 US and foreign patents drawn from a corpus of over 80 million patent documents.

Garrity et al., Global commercialization trends of microbial products and processes

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[permalink] Posted October 15, 2013.

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