
December 1, 2012 London, England, United Kingdom

DOI mediated semantic services

Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers New Technologies Meeting
Inera’s eXtyles NamesforLife module integrates our annotation services directly into Microsoft Word, giving editors and peer reviewers additional context for scientific and technical terms.
Inera’s eXtyles NamesforLife module integrates our annotation services directly into Microsoft Word, giving editors and peer reviewers additional context for scientific and technical terms.

George Garrity will be presenting a five-minute overview of the NamesforLife publisher services at the 2012 STM conference.

Our goal is to provide on-demand access to information so your authors, reviewers, readers and editors can read like a Subject Matter Expert.

George Garrity, “DOI-Mediated Semantic Services

Download Presentation (7.7MB PowerPoint)

[permalink] Posted December 31, 2012.

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