Press Release

November 2, 2011 East Lansing, Michigan

City of East Lansing Recognizes NamesforLife, LLC among Technology Innovation Center graduates

The East Lansing City Council held a special presentation on November 1st, marking the graduation of the inaugural tenants of the East Lansing Technology Innovation Center (TIC). Mayor Loomis highlighted the TIC which began three years ago to advance the culture of entrepreneurship throughout the East Lansing community. Jeff Smith, Project Manager for New Economic Initiatives, recognized graduating tenants of TIC and thanked the Downtown Development Association, Planning Department, city residents, and tenants of TIC for their efforts. Smith said the City has been nationally recognized for its support of entrepreneurship.

The council approved a resolution celebrating the graduation of the first East Lansing Technology Innovation Center tenants. As one of the inaugural tenants, Charles Parker of NamesforLife, LLC was asked to share a few words on his experiences with the center since its launch. He stated, “We sincerely appreciate all of the assistance provided by the TIC, and in particular I’d like to thank Jeff Smith and Amy Schlusler, whose dedication since the launch in October 2008 really brought this center to life. Every time we needed anything, they were there for us without fail. The resources the TIC provided and the mix of companies they’ve brought together have been an enormous help to us over the past three years, and I’m not sure where we’d be now without that help. Although our lease is up at the TIC, we intend to stay right here in East Lansing. Since we’re a spinoff from Michigan State University, the proximity to campus makes downtown the perfect location for us.”

On November 2nd, the City of East Lansing hosted an event at the TIC, presenting signed copies of the resolution to NamesforLife and the other graduating companies.

[permalink] Posted November 2, 2011.

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