
May 23-27, 2010 San Diego, California

ASM 2010

American Society for Microbiology 110th General Meeting
The validly published names of Bacteria and Archaea change roughly 15 times each week whereas invalid and trivial names appear in the literature and public databases at a rate more than three fold higher. A small number of experts work to keep pace; the rest of the community is left to catch up. The correct name is essential for accurate communication. NamesforLife extracts all relevant information from the taxonomic literature for Bacteria and Archaea. N4LGuide presents this information, with additional annotation, for any name that is readable in a web browser.
The validly published names of Bacteria and Archaea change roughly 15 times each week whereas invalid and trivial names appear in the literature and public databases at a rate more than three fold higher. A small number of experts work to keep pace; the rest of the community is left to catch up. The correct name is essential for accurate communication. NamesforLife extracts all relevant information from the taxonomic literature for Bacteria and Archaea. N4LGuide presents this information, with additional annotation, for any name that is readable in a web browser.

NamesforLife will be attending the ASM 2010 Meeting. Stop by the Society for General Microbiology booth, grab a brochure, sign up for a free account and try live demonstrations of the NamesforLife document annotation and rich content services for publishers.

Download Brochure (666kB PDF)

[permalink] Posted May 7, 2010.

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