
February 14, 2007 Rome, Italy

Food and Agriculture Organization (FOA) of the United Nations

IT Support for SMTA implementation
Use of a well managed persistent identifier rather than a location will ensure that when a document is moved, or its ownership changes, the links to it will remain actionable.
Use of a well managed persistent identifier rather than a location will ensure that when a document is moved, or its ownership changes, the links to it will remain actionable.

George Garrity provides some thoughts on the application of persistent identifiers to Standard Material Transfer Agreements (SMTAs).

NamesforLife provides a method for persistently linking the occurrence of a biological name or other technical term in third party content to managed information about its origins, formal definition, current usage, and related goods and services. This Information Architecture is based on some of the properties of persistent identifiers, and our implementation specifically uses Digital Object Identifiers to link hetereogeneous data and resolve ambiguous names.

George Garrity, “An Overview of Persistent Identifiers

Download Presentation (1.4MB PowerPoint)

[permalink] Posted February 7, 2007.

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