
January 21, 2007 Hotel Plaza del Bosque, Lima, Peru

The ABS Dialogues

The Role of Documentation in ABS and TK Governance
The N4L model enables adding rich content about an organism into a web page by resolving persistent identifiers for names, taxonomic concepts, or objects to URLs that can be used to access information services to obtain the current status of a taxon.
The N4L model enables adding rich content about an organism into a web page by resolving persistent identifiers for names, taxonomic concepts, or objects to URLs that can be used to access information services to obtain the current status of a taxon.

George Garrity presents the lecture “An Overview of Persistent Identifiers” in the afternoon meeting, “New approaches to documentation of genetic resources”.

A persistent identifier (PID) has one or more of the following properties:

  • Semantically Opaque (the identifier avoids any embedded meaning)
  • Governance (a technical and/or social framework oversees development, implementation and “marketing” of the identifier)
  • Persistence (a mechanism guarantees persistence of issued identifiers)
  • Registration (a mechanism exists for global registration of identifiers)
  • Metadata (minimal requirements exist for metadata associated with each identified object)
  • Standardization (the identifier conforms to an accepted standard)
  • Globally Unique (the identifier is globally unique)
  • Widespread Usage (the identifier is in widespread usage)
  • Object/Location Resolution (the identifier actually identifies something)
  • Actionable (network services are attached to the identifier)
  • Uniqueness (a resolution service checks for uniqueness at the local level)
  • Interoperability (the identifiers are readily incorporated into other applications without modification or permission)
  • Granularity (the identifiers can be assigned to subcomponents (nesting of entities within entities))
  • Business Model (a compelling business need ensures that the identifier infrastructure can be maintained in a self-supporting manner)

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) exhibits all of these characteristics.

George Garrity, “An Overview of Persistent Identifiers

Download Presentation (1.2MB PowerPoint)

[permalink] Posted January 5, 2007.

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